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普洱熟茶 >> 天醇
产品名称:Tian Chun - 2012 (Puerh Ripe Cake)
区域: 臨滄/雙江縣地區 , --, 天醇
年份: 2012
尺寸: 400克 茶饼

天樂茶方出品的“天醇”普洱熟茶採用雲南省高海拔臨滄或思茅茶區附近數百年以上的古樹純料精心配比調制。用原始的手工殺青,揉捻,日光晾曬,形成的毛茶再經過新一代科學的渥堆發酵,壓制成型。成品餅型整齊,條索清晰肥碩,茶湯湯色紅亮,入口潤滑,帶有清甜花香味,回甘醇厚。經過歲月的洗禮,茶湯則會更加濃郁醇厚,香氣也會漸漸轉變為陳香,伴隨著茶湯變醇、變厚、變甜,可謂饋贈收藏之極品。A fine quality puerh tea of Teanologies’ Ripe cake series -- This Puerh tea was plucked from hundreds year of ancient arbor trees that grow around the high latitude LinCang/Simao region of Yunnan Province. Different from general ripe tea, after being treated by traditional tea processes (such as green-killing, rolling and twisting, sun-baking), the tea leaves undergo a pioneering accelerated post-fermentation process (wet piling process) and then stone-pressed into a tea cake. The finished tea cake is neat and tidy, the presence of thick veins and sawtooth-edges can clearly be seen on it. The brew is with sparkling ruby colour, the taste is mellow and with sweet floral notes. Well aged good puerh tea gains value over time, the taste will become more mellow, thick and pleasant as it aged.
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